Rebecca Williford’s Columns in Able News

DRA’s President & CEO Rebecca Williford has a regular disability rights column published in Able News, the newspaper for, by, and about people with disabilities.
- December 2024: Ending Solitary Confinement for People with Disabilities in New York State Prisons
- October 2024: Fighting for the Right to Healthcare
- September 2024: Fighting for Parks Access for All
- August 2024: The Supreme Court, Disability Rights, and Emergency Preparedness
- July 2024: The ADA and DRA: Symbiotic Changemaking
- June 2024: How Do We Make Change? By Showing Up.
- May 2024: Creating Systemic Change for Voters with Disabilities
- April 2024: New York is Shirking Its Obligation to Provide Wheelchair-Accessible Taxis
- March 2024: Shifting Systems with Disability Rights Advocates (DRA)