Cy Pres Awards
Consider DRA when you have a class-action settlement with a cy pres award to direct to a nonprofit organization.
With offices in California and New York, DRA is the leading nonprofit disability rights legal center in the nation. Founded 25 years ago, DRA continues to fight to advance opportunity for people with all types of disabilities nationwide. DRA’s work within the disability community is highly diverse and could therefore further the interests of many different classes. DRA would be an appropriate recipient in settlements pertaining to issues including: health care, education, technology, housing, access to public services, recreation and transportation.
DRA’s work implements systemic change that benefits people with all types of disabilities—mobility, hearing, vision, learning, cognitive and psychological. Our work equally benefits seniors, veterans, prisoners and homeless people, as each of these populations has a high incidence of disability.
DRA advocates for disability rights through free legal representation, community education and collaboration, regulatory advocacy, media and outreach to our constituency. We advocate for livable and accessible environments to promote dignity and independence for people with disabilities. Our work positively impacts over 50,000 people with disabilities each year, and our successful track record of effecting positive systemic change is impressive–see below for more on our recent victories.
Our Director of Development would be happy to speak with you about a cy pres nomination. Contact Aileen Parker at (510) 665-8644 or