NYC Taxis Hearing

On May 7th, 2024 at 10:30am EDT, Judge Daniels will hold a hearing on two motions in Taxis For All Campaign v. Taxi and Limousine Commission: Plaintiffs’ motion to enforce the settlement agreement, and Defendants’ motion for partial relief from the settlement agreement. Specifically, Defendants will be seeking permission to escape the central requirement of the Parties’ 2014 settlement agreement: to make at least 50% of the City’s yellow medallion taxi fleet wheelchair-accessible. Plaintiffs will be arguing to hold Defendants to their settlement agreement obligations.

The hearing will be held at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse at 500 Pearl Street (accessible entrance is 200 Worth Street), New York, NY 10007. Class members and advocates are welcomed and encouraged to come observe.

Members of the public may listen to the oral argument using the following:

Dial-In: (646) 453-4442
Passcode: 110 220 087#

All members of the public must mute their lines.

Learn more about the case.