There has never been a more important time to support DRA.

A row of guests seated and clapping their hands at DRA's 2016 Eagle Awards. A mixed group of women and men of different ages. Closest to the camera is a man using a power chair.

Dear DRA Family,

The next several years are critical to men, women and children with disabilities. The quality of their lives is severely threatened. Many of their most fundamental protections—the hard earned gains over the last 25 years—are in great danger. DRA will play a pivotal role in determining whether these protections are dismantled or protected.

The change in the political landscape does not merely pose a generalized threat; specific and long established programs that are absolutely essential to men, women and children with mobility, sensory, mental and learning disabilities are in the crosshairs of the new administration. An administration whose leader has openly mocked people with disabilities.

Healthcare and Medicaid, regulation of prescription drugs, education for children with disabilities, protection of disabled workers, accessible housing and many other absolutely essential protections are directly threatened. Without Medicaid, which President-elect Trump has targeted, many people with disabilities and the elderly simply cannot survive. Without the regulatory mechanisms in the areas of architectural barriers and protection in the workplace, the already dire employment and accessible housing for people with disabilities will get far worse.

The new administration also intends to dramatically reduce funding for the US Department of Education, leaving children who use wheelchairs or with other disabilities at the mercy of local school boards. The destructive effect of these new initiatives is certain to be made much worse by changes in the Department of Justice. Over the last 20 years, DRA and the disability community have worked closely with the Department of Justice to ensure that the nation’s laws are enforced. DRA’s role will become far more critical with diminished enforcement from the Department of Justice.

DRA and the disability community need your help. Please make your year-end tax deductible contribution to DRA today.

Portrait-style photo of Sid Wolinsky.


Sid Wolinsky
Co-Founder and Supervising Attorney


P.S. Donating securities directly to DRA is one of the best and easiest ways to give more.  Learn more about how to take advantage of tax incentives by giving securities today.